學年度 |
姓名 |
論文名稱 |
指導教授 |
76(博) |
顏全敏 Chuan-Min Yen |
廣東住血線蟲症免疫反應及免疫診斷的研究 Immune response and immunodiagnosis of angiostrongyliasis |
陳瑩霖 Eng-Rin Chen |
76(博) |
黃高彬 Kao-Pin Hwang |
廣東住血線蟲病臨床研究和藥物治療實驗 Clinical aspects and experimental chemotherapy of Angiostrongyliasis cantonensis |
陳瑩霖 Eng-Rin Chen |
79(博) |
王蓮成 Lian-Chen Wang |
廣東住血線蟲之實驗感染及其免疫學研究 Experimental infections of Angiostrongylus cantonensis and their immune responses in laboratory hosts |
陳瑩霖 Eng-Rin Chen 趙大衛 Da-Wei Zhao |
81(博) |
白秀華 Hsiu-Hua Pai |
加馬射線對螺體中廣東住血線蟲殺滅及生長效應之研究 Studies on killing and growth effects of gamma ray irradiation on Angiostrongylus cantonensis in the snails |
陳瑩霖 Eng-Rin Chen 葛應欽 Ying-Chin Ko |
86(博) |
蔡賽美 Soi-Moi Chye |
廣東住血線蟲症免疫診斷的研究 Immunodiagnosis of Angiostrongyliasis cantonensis |
顏全敏 Chuan-Min Yen 陳瑩霖 Eng-Rin Chen |
92(博) |
張一旋 Eddy Essen |
鼷鼠感染廣東住血線蟲後產生eotaxin的機轉的探討 Investigation on the mechanism of production of eotaxin in mice infected with Angiostrongylus cantonensis |
顏全敏 Chuan-Min Yen |
94(博) |
李俊德 June-Der Lee |
蛋白分解酵素影響廣東住血線蟲對鼷鼠感染及致病的探討 The proteases influence the infection and diseases of mice infected with Angiostrongylus cantonensis |
顏全敏 Chuan-Min Yen |
96(博) |
蔡宏津 Hung-Chin Tsai |
廣東住血線蟲造成嗜伊紅性腦膜炎之臨床及致病機轉研究 Clinical and pathogenetic study of eosinophilic meningitis caused by Angiostrongylus cantonensis |
陳瑩霖 Eng-Rin Chen 顏全敏 Chuan-Min Yen |
99(博) |
鍾麗玉 Li-Yu Chung |
廣東住血線蟲感染造成氧化傷害及用N-acetyl-L-cysteine治療的作用機轉 Oxidative damage caused by infection with Angiostrongylus cantonensis and the mechanism in the treatment with N-acetyl-L-cysteine |
顏全敏 Chuan-Min Yen |
學年度 |
姓名 |
論文名稱 |
指導教授 |
69(碩) |
顏全敏 Chuan-Min Yen |
ELISA對中華肝吸蟲病的免疫診斷 |
陳瑩霖 Eng-Rin Chen |
69(碩) |
黃高彬 Kao-Pin Hwang |
國小學童感染腸內寄生蟲之免疫球蛋白研究 |
陳瑩霖 Eng-Rin Chen 陳添享 Tian-Xiang Chen |
71(碩) |
王蓮成 Lian-Chen Wang |
大蛔蟲抗原之抽取與純化 |
陳瑩霖 Eng-Rin Chen |
74(碩) |
白秀華 Hsiu-Hua Pai |
學齡前兒童蟯蟲症流行病學及防治研究 Studies on epidemiology and control of enterobiasis among preschool children |
陳瑩霖 Eng-Rin Chen |
76(碩) |
林雅玲 Ya-Ling Lin |
中華肝吸蟲病人血清抗體測定 Detection of human serum antibody to Clonorchis sinensis |
陳瑩霖 Eng-Rin Chen |
78(碩) |
王凱助 Kai-Zhu Wang |
瑪射線照射廣東住血線蟲第三期幼蟲誘發小鼠免疫之研究 Studies on immunization of mice with gamma-irradiated Angiostrongylus cantonensis third-stage larvae and production of protective immunity |
陳瑩霖 Eng-Rin Chen |
79(碩) |
張瑞顯 Rui-Xian Zhang |
廣東住血線蟲第五期蟲體單株抗體製憊 Preparation of monoclonal antibodies to the fifth-stage worms of Angiostrongyius cantonensis |
顏全敏 Chuan-Min Yen 陳瑩霖 Eng-Rin Chen |
81(碩) |
王俊傑 Jiun-Jey Wang |
廣東住血線蟲感染小鼠後第1及2型輔助性T-淋巴球免疫反應之比較 Comparison of Th1- and Th2-associated immune reactivities of mice infected with Angiostrongylus cantonensis |
顏全敏 Chuan-Min Yen 陳瑩霖 Eng-Rin Chen |
81(碩) |
李俊德 June-Der Lee |
經伽傌射線照射的廣東住血線蟲第三期幼蟲感染小鼠後的免疫反應 Immunoresponse of mice infected with gamma-irradiated Angiostrongylus cantonensis third-stage larvae |
顏全敏 Chuan-Min Yen 陳瑩霖 Eng-Rin Chen |
83(碩) |
陳盈憲 Ying-Shain Chen |
犬心絲蟲第五期蟲體單株抗體的製備與特性 Preparation and characterization of monoclonal antibodies to the fifth-stage worms of Dirofilaria immitis |
顏全敏 Chuan-Min Yen |
86(碩) |
陳蕙雯 Hui-Wen Chen |
柴胡皂甘-丁對感染短小包膜絛蟲小鼠之免疫作用 Effect of saikosaponin-d upon the immune responses against the infection of Hymenolepis nana in mice |
顏全敏 Chuan-Min Yen |
88(碩) |
賴麗珍 Li-Chen Lai |
鼷鼠注射環磷醯胺、卵蛋白素及副腎皮質素後促嗜伊紅性白血球激素的變化 Assay of eosinophilogenic cytokines in mice treated with cyclophosphamide, ovalbumin and adrenal cortex hormones |
顏全敏 Chuan-Min Yen |
90(碩) |
方愛惠 Ay-Huey Fang |
體液性免疫反應影響不同品系鼷鼠對廣東住血線蟲感受性之研究 Humoral immune response among mice with different susceptibility to the infection of Angiostrongylus cantonensis |
顏全敏 Chuan-Min Yen |
91(碩) |
呂曙年 Shuh-Nien Leu |
南台灣外籍人士感染寄生蟲之分析 Analysis of parasitic infections among foreigners in southern Taiwan |
陳瑩霖 Eng-Rin Chen |
91(碩) |
曾建凱 Chien Kai Tseng |
細胞性免疫反應影響不同品系鼷鼠對廣東住血線蟲感受性之研究 Cellular immune responses among mice with different susceptibility to the infection of Angiostrongylus cantonensis |
顏全敏 Chuan-Min Yen |
93(碩) |
何介文 Chieh-Wen Ho |
廣東住血線蟲從第三期幼蟲體外培養到第四期幼蟲之研究 Angiostrongylus cantonensis: In vitro cultivation from the infective Third-stage larvae to the Fourth-stage larvae |
顏全敏 Chuan-Min Yen |
94(碩) |
陳雅琴 Ya-Ching Chen |
鼷鼠感染廣東住血線蟲後,腦脊髓液凝血素濃度的變化 Kinetics of change in the thromboxane B2 concentration in cerebrospinal fluid of mice infected with Angiostrongylus cantonensis |
顏全敏 Chuan-Min Yen |
94(碩) |
唐銘蔓 Ming-Man Tang |
小鼠感染廣東住血線蟲後,腦脊髓液前列腺素E2濃度的變化 Kinetics of change in the prostaglandin E2 concentration in cerebrospinal fluid of mice infected with Angiostrongylus cantonensis |
顏全敏 Chuan-Min Yen |
96(碩) |
吳宗聲 Zong-Sheng Wu |
用GM6001治療感染廣東住血線蟲的鼷鼠,對腦脊髓液中的間質金屬結合蛋白酶濃度影響 Influence of GM6001 on matrix metalloproteinase-9 in cerebrospinal fluid of mice infected with Angiostrongylus cantonensis |
顏全敏 Chuan-Min Yen |
96(碩) |
張祚愷 Tso-Kai Chang |
6-氨基己烯酸對感染廣東住血線蟲鼷鼠腦脊液中纖維蛋白溶酶活性的影響 Influence of epsilon aminocaproic acid on serine proteinase activity in CSF of mice infected with Angiostrongylus cantonensis |
顏全敏 Chuan-Min Yen |
100(碩) |
馬一玄 Yi-Hsuan Ma |
生薑萃取物對短小包膜絛蟲感染BALB/c小鼠之治療與免疫相關研究 Extraction of Zingiber officinale to Hymenolepis nana infected BALB/c mice''s treatment and immune research |
林榮峙 Rong-Jyh Lin |
101(碩) |
方思婷 Szu-Ting Fang |
廣東住血線蟲青年期蟲體排泌成份抑制凝血酶活性的探討 Excretory-Secretory products of Angiostrongylus cantonensis young-adult worm inhibit thrombin activity, an in vitro study |
顏全敏 Chuan-Min Yen |
102(碩) |
張雅婷 Yn-Ting Chang |
台灣南部市售經濟海魚感染海獸胃線蟲的分子流行病學研究 Epidemiology and molecular identification of Anisakidae from marine fish of Southern Taiwan |
李俊德 June-Der Lee |
106(碩) |
陳怡廷 Yi-Ting Chen |
在感染廣東住血線蟲的小鼠乙醯半胱氨酸藉由誘發腦脊髓液嗜酸性白血球凋亡降低腦部傷害 N-acetylcysteine decreases the damage of brain in mice infected with Angiostrongylus cantonensis by induction apoptosis of cerebrospinal fluid eosinophil |
顏全敏 Chuan-Min Yen |